Hello Jarrod,

RE: "Erwiderung auf B Schlerath: "Vedisch vajra-  'die Keule des Indra.' " 
I have the following information:
In: Orbis XXV, 1976, no 2 [1978], pp.356-358. Almost the same what you have, but 'no.2 [1978]' may be helpful to the librarians.

Rau's Metalle und Metallgeräte im vedischen Indien is on its way shortly.

Traude Harzer

On Mar 30, 2012, at 1:09 PM, Jarrod Whitaker wrote:

Dear All:
I am having problems tracking down several articles and rejoinders (?) on the vajra. My interlibrary loan people need the correct vol. and year of the two listed below (as the vols and years do not match, see below). Can someone help? Does anyone simply have pdfs they can send me?

Journal Title: Orbis
Article Title: Erwiderung auf B. Schlerath
Article Author: Rau, Wilhelm
Vol.: 25     Issue:
Month:     Pages: 356-358  Year: 1976
TN: 378194

Journal Title: Orbis
Article Title: Nachtrag zu vajra
Article Author: Schlerath, Bernfried
Vol.: 26     Issue:
Month:     Pages: 133-134  Year: 1977
TN: 378195

Also we are having problems getting hold of the following as well: Rau's Metalle und Metallgeraete...(1976), Das Gupta's Der Vajra (1975), and Schlerath's Vedisch vajra. Orbis 24 1975. Does anyone have pdfs of these?

Cheers again


Jarrod L. Whitaker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, South Asian Religions
Graduate Program Director

Wake Forest University
Department of Religion
P.O. Box 7212
Winston-Salem, NC  27109
p 336.758.4162
f 336.758.4462