Your student probably means this one (available at Robarts Library University of Toronto):

Buddhiyoga of the Gītā and other essays /
New Delhi : Biblia Impex, 1983.


BL1212.76 .A55 1983
UTL at Downsview
May be requested

Stella Sandahl

On 1-Dec-11, at 5:43 AM, James Hegarty wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

A student of mine that is looking at the concept of buddhi in a variety of contexts is having difficulty in obtaining the following publication. Even inter-library loan has let him down. The reference is (though it looks a little odd, I give it as he sent it to me):

Anirvan, Buddhyoga of the Gita and other Essays. New Delhi: Biblio Impex Privat 1981.

Can anyone help?

With Thanks and Best Wishes,

James Hegarty
Cardiff University