Dear Colleagues

Please find attached in PDF and inline below, an updated version of the Announcement of a Position in Tamil Studies at UC Berkeley.

The update relates only to the web address for the University's statement on confidentiality to which referees should be directed; all other details remain the same.

With best wishes,

Penny Edwards, Chair, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies            

Assistant Professor, Tamil Studies, University of California, Berkeley



The Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, seeks to appoint an Assistant Professor of Tamil Studies (tenure-track) with a research specialization in literature and culture. PhD required. July 1, 2012 start. Duties will include teaching and developing graduate and undergraduate courses, co-ordination of Tamil language instruction, and supervision of graduate degree candidates.  Advanced proficiency in both pre-modern and modern Tamil and in-depth knowledge of Tamil literary genres is required. Appreciation of the broader contexts in which Tamil textual practices and poetics have developed, is desired. Research knowledge of a second South or Southeast Asian language will be highly regarded.   Applications from scholars of comparative literature, history, gender studies and/or cultural studies are welcome.  The successful candidate will have demonstrated exceptional promise in research and teaching.


Applications must include a statement of research plans and teaching interests, a CV (~ 3 pages), up to three significant writing samples (~ 30 pages each), and sample syllabi.  Applicants must arrange for direct submission of three letters of recommendation. Please direct referees to the University’s statement on confidentiality at  Applications and signed letters of recommendation must be received by January 10, 2012.   Email to or mail to Chair, Tamil Search Committee, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, 7233 Dwinelle #2540, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-2540, USA. The department seeks candidates whose research and teaching has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and inclusion in higher education.  The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and is committed to addressing the family needs of faculty, including dual career couples and single parents (see for details).