dear Richard,

They were never published, and never will be, as far I know. There was some talk--I have not confirmed this, so treat it as perfect rumor only!--that the publisher took the ministry money intended for these publications and used it elsewhere. One would expect that if that were the case they would have been prosecuted, but...
Again as far as I know, the only material from the other volumes available is that on avadana produced by Okano Kiyoshi, who some long years ago very generously posted his materials on a website: (needless to say this is in Japanese, but ever for those who do not read Japanese the footnotes might be useful).
This material is however quite out of date, and that which had been prepared for the other volumes would also now need serious revision (if it ever existed in completed form, that is). It would be an excellent idea to explore whether the prepared contributions could be posted even as is, however, and I would be more than happy to help with such an effort.

Cordially, Jonathan

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Richard MAHONEY <> wrote:
[Apologies for cross posting]

Dear All,

I have volumes III and IV of Matsunaga &c. sitting in front of me but
would also very much like to have access to the other three, I, II,
and V. The link at the bottom suggests that there are various complete
holdings in Japan but I am unable to find a complete set outside. Does
anyone know of a non-Japanese institution that holds all five?

 Main Title:            Bongo butten no kenkyū / Tsukamoto Keishō,
 Matsunaga Yūkei, Isoda Hirofumi hencho.
 Main Title:     Descriptive bibliography of the Sanskrit Buddhist
 Published/Created:     Kyōto : Heirakuji Shoten, <1989-199.2.>

 Indica et Buddhica - Catalogus
 Server Data: Japanese Academic Union (NACSIS-CAT).
 Your query Title = Descriptive bibliography of the Sanskrit Buddhist ...

Kind regards,


Richard MAHONEY - Indica et Buddhica

Littledene, Bay Road, OXFORD 7430, NZ
Tel.: +64 3 312 1699
Handheld: +64 210 640 216

J. Silk
Instituut Kern / Universiteit Leiden
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Johan Huizinga Building, Room 1.37
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
The Netherlands