Le Veda-Vedāṅga et l'Avesta entre oralité et écriture
Veda-Vedāṅga and Avesta between Orality and Writing
(panel organized and proceedings edited by J.E.M. Houben and J. Rotaru)
has appeared in Vol. III as Section III A
Travaux de
Le Livre. La Roumanie. L’Europe.
troisième édition – 20 à 24 Septembre 2010, Bucarest - (general ed. F. Rotaru)
Tome III : section IIIA
– études euro- et afro-asiatiques.
Bucarest: Éditeur Bibliothèque de Bucarest, 2011.
Please refer to the address below to download the on line version (which also contains Section IIIB: Reconfiguring the Divine and Divinity, ed. by R. Pop):
See below for the tables of content of Section IIIA and of Section IIIB.
La troisième section – ÉTUDES EURO- ET AFRO-ASIATIQUES
Le Veda-Vedāṅga et l'Avesta entre oralité et écriture
Veda-Vedāṅga and Avesta between Orality and Writing
INTRODUCTION: Veda-Vedāṅga and Avesta between orality and
writing – JAN E.M. HOUBEN .......................................................................... 13
Orality, Textuality and Inter-textuality. Some Observations on the
Śaunaka Tradition of the Atharvaveda – SHRIKANT S. BAHULKAR ...... 20
Some Aspects of Oral Tradition as Reflected in the Pāṇinian
Grammatical Texts – SHREENAND L. BAPAT .............................................. 35
Illiteracy as a socio-cultural marker – JOHANNES BRONKHORST .............. 44
From Orality to Writing: Transmission and Interpretation of Pāṇini’s
Aṣṭādhyāyī – MADHAV M. DESHPANDE .................................................... 57
Vyākaraṇa between Vedāṅga and Darśana – FLORINA DOBRE-BRAT .......................... 101
“Let Śiva’s favour be alike with scribes and with reciters:” Motifs for
copying or not copying the Veda – CEZARY GALEWICZ ........................... 113
Vedic ritual as medium in ancient and pre-colonial South Asia:
its expansion and survival between orality and writing –
JAN E.M. HOUBEN ....................................................................................... 147
Earliest transmissions of Avestan texts –
RAMIYAR PARVEZ KARANJIA ................................................................. 184
Sraoša : de la terminologie indo-iranienne à l’exégèse avestique –
JEAN KELLENS ............................................................................................. 193
The Text, Commentary and Critical Editions:
A Case of the Commentary of Sāyaṇa on the Atharvaveda –
AMBARISH VASANT KHARE .................................................................... 200
Orality and authenticity – MADHAVI KOLHATKAR .................................. 212
Manuscript Transmission and Discrepancies in Interpretation –
NIRMALA KULKARNI ................................................................................. 220
Sacred sound becomes sacred scripture: the Veda Mandir in Naśik,
Mahārāṣṭra – BORAYIN LARIOS .................................................................. 233
On the descriptive techniques of Prātiśākhya and Aṣṭādhyāyī –
ANAND MISHRA .......................................................................................... 245
Codification of Vedic domestic ritual in Kerala – ASKO PARPOLA ............ 261
Techniques pour la brièveté dans le Sāmavidhānabrāhmaṇa –
ANNE-MARIE QUILLET .............................................................................. 355
Vedic Education in early mediaeval India according to North Indian
Charters – SARAJU RATH ............................................................................. 393
Pastoral nomadism, tribalism, and language shift –
SHEREEN RATNAGAR ................................................................................ 425
Habent sua fata libelli: The Dārilabhāṣya and its manuscripts –
JULIETA ROTARU ........................................................................................ 454
Diplomatica Indica DataBase (DIDB): Introduction –
ALEXANDER STOLYAROV ........................................................................ 468
Saṃhitā Mantras in the Written and Oral Traditions of the
Paippalādins – SHILPA SUMANT ................................................................. 474
Gandhāra and the formation of the Vedic and Zoroastrian canons –
MICHAEL WITZEL ....................................................................................... 490
Prof. Dr. Jan E.M. Houben,
Directeur d Etudes « Sources et Histoire de la Tradition Sanskrite »
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, SHP,
A la Sorbonne,45-47, rue des Ecoles,
75005 Paris -- France.