Respected Mittal Sahib,
I have seen the final version of the MSS and have observed the following corrections.
Page number Suggestion
8 & 16 caption on Pink border
20 in caption Sansar Chand should be Maharaja Sansar Chand NO
22 in caption Sansar Chand should be Maharaja Sansar Chand NO
23 in caption Sansar Chand should be Maharaja Sansar Chand NO
25 & 26 in caption Illustration TO [delete of] Illustration of is incorrect usage.
29 crop the border OK
34 In Hindi caption samanya ya should be yaa OK
148 Crop the border of painting from top and bottom OK
116, 118, 120, 130, 148 152 all these images should NOT be in flash cut. Please leave little white space all around and captions must be in the bottom but never on the picture, only on the while space of paper. OK
Please feel free to ask for any query.
With kind regards and compliments for a Happy Diwali.
Yours sincerely,
Vijay Sharma