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From: Fabrizio Speziale <spezialef@yahoo.com>
Date: 2011/7/17
Subject: Perso-Indica Visiting Fellowships at the Sorbonne Nouvelle

Perso-Indica Visiting Fellowships at the Sorbonne Nouvelle


The Perso-Indica Visiting Fellowships are offered at the Institut d’Etudes Iraniennes (IEI) of the Sorbonne Nouvelle University with the support of the research group «Mondes iranien et indien» (UMR 7528) and the Fondation Colette Caillat of the Institut de France. The positions are open to outstanding senior and promising younger scholars from any country working on a research topic which can constitute an original and important contribution to the Perso-Indica project. Perso-Indica is a long term project, the purpose of which is to set up a comprehensive Critical Survey of Persian Works on Indian Learned Traditions, encompassing the treatises and translations produced between the 13th and the 19th century (for further details see: http://www.perso-indica.net/). Perso-Indica is based in Paris (Sorbonne Nouvelle-UMR 7528) and was launched in 2010 thanks to the financial support of the Institut Français de Recherche en Iran (Tehran) and the Iran Heritage Foundation (London). In addition, from 2011 onwards, it is supported by the research funds of the programme «CNRS - Higher Education Chairs», Iranian studies chair at the Sorbonne Nouvelle – UMR 7528 «Mondes iranien et indien».


Each Visiting Fellowship is for a period of 1 month. Two Fellowships are available during the academic year 2011-2012. The fellowships do not offer a salary but they offer accommodation and a substantial contribution to travel and living expenses.


- The Visiting Fellow will be accommodated in the apartment of the Fondation Colette Caillat. The apartment is located at Sèvres in the Résidence du Parc Eiffel.

- Contribution to travel expenses: up to € 300  for scholars travelling from Europe; up to € 700 for scholars travelling from USA and Asia.

- Contribution to living expenses in Paris. The Visiting Fellow will receive a contribution for meals at the rates applied by French institutions, i.e. € 915 for thirty days.

- Fellows will be offered an office space at the IEI located in central Paris in the building of the Sorbonne Nouvelle.


One fellowship should be held in February or March 2012, starting 1st February or 1st March. The second fellowship should be held between May and June and allow the fellow to take part to the Perso-Indica conference held in early June in Paris.


Complete applications should be submitted by 30 September 2011.


The Call for applications and the Application form can be downloaded from http://www.univ-paris3.fr/etudes-iraniennes.


We would be grateful if you could post the announcement at your institution and circulate it, also via email, among colleagues and scholars who you think would be qualified and interested in applying for the fellowships.


Kind regards,


Fabrizio Speziale




Fabrizio Speziale

Iranian studies chair

Département d’études arabes, hébraïques, indiennes et iraniennes (EAHII)

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

13, rue Santeuil, 75231 Paris, Cedex 05.

Email: fabrizio.speziale@univ-paris3.fr  

Website: http://www.univ-paris3.fr/etudes-iraniennes.