Dear all,
years ago I wrote an article about the poison-detecting animals:
“Monkeys kept in Royal Stables”, Traditional South Asian Medicine 6, 2001, 51–61.
There is an earlier discussion on the same:
CHARPENTIER, Jarl: "Poison-detecting birds", BSOS 5:2, 1929, 233-242.
Before Penzer, the poison damsel has been discussed in:
HERTZ, W.: “Die Sage von Giftmädchen”, AbhBayrAkWiss 20:1, 1893, 89-166 (both in India and West).
Supposed antidotes in India and elsewhere include rhinoceros horn and bezoar. For the first, see my India in Early Greek Literature, ch. VII.5., for the second, e.g.
MAHDIHASSAN, S.: "Bezoar presented to Emperor Jahangir", ABORI 56, 1975, 232f., 2 pl.
RAU, Wilhelm: Altindische Pfeilgift. 42 p. Sitzungsber. der wiss. Ges. an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt am Main 32:2. St. 1994.
STUBBE-DIARRA, Ira: Die Symbolik von Gift und Nektar in der klassischen indischen Literatur. 12+154 p. Studies in Oriental Religions 33. Wb. 1995.
Hope this is of some help.


Klaus Karttunen
Professor of South Asian and Indoeuropean Studies
Asian and African Studies, Department of World Cultures
PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38 B)
00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel +358-(0)9-191 22674
Fax +358-(0)9-191 22094

On Jun 28, 2011, at 8:22 AM, DN Jha wrote:

Dear List,
One of my former students is seeking bibliographic information on 
poisons and their treatment in ancient India. Since I am familiar with literature on the subject I am giving below her request for help:
 "I am looking for material for a paper on poisons, anti-venom drugs and treatment in ancient India. I haven't come across too many secondary writings on this." 
D N Jha
Professor of History (retired), 
University of Delhi
9, Uttaranchal Apartments
5, I.P. Extension, Delhi 110 092
Tel: + 2277 1049
Cell: 98111 43090,,