Many thanks to George Cardona and Gary Tubb for their learned corrections and clarifications on the "dviṣam dviṣam" issue.


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From: <>
Date: 23 June 2011 12:05
Subject: dvi.sam

 Dear Dominik, When you suggest taking dviṣaṁ dviṣam as an iterated gerund with -am, I suppose you mean the type accounted for by Pāṇini's ābhīkṣṇye ṇamul ca (3.4.22).  However, this would then be dveṣaṁ dveṣam, like bhojaṁ bhojam.  I suggest that the phrase in your text has iteration as accounted for by nityavīpsayoḥ and means 'every single one who hates them'.  Regards, George