Dear list

In my fieldwork on the Vedic schools of Maharashtra, the following verse was given to me by a vaidika describing the recitational permutations of the Veda.

jaṭā mālā śikhā rekhā dhvajo daṇḍo ratho ghana
ityaṣṭo vikṛti proktaḥ kramapūrva maharṣibhiḥ

When asked about the textual source, the vaidika wasn't able to produce a textual reference. He only said it was a quite popular verse. I haven't been able to trace it back yet. Does anybody know in which text this verse might be found?

Thank you all for your responses and happy Easter!
Borayin M. Larios

(Maitreya) Borayin Larios
Jägerpfad 13
69118 Heidelberg