----- Message d'origine -----
De : Gerard Fussman
Envoyé : jeudi 21 avril 2011 17:50
Objet : new publication

New book :

Shakirjan PIDAEV, Tukhtash ANNAEV et Gérard FUSSMAN, Monuments bouddhiques de Termez/Termez Buddhist Monuments, I, Catalogue des inscriptions sur poteries par Gérard FUSSMAN avec une contribution de Nicholas SIMS-WILLIAMS et la collaboration d’Éric OLLIVIER, Publications de l’Institut de Civilisation Indienne, fasc. 791 et 792, Paris,  280 pages including 16 colour plates and 80 black and white plates. Euros 88.

Available from De Boccard, 11 rue de Médicis, 75006 Paris, http://www.deboccard.com/


          Termez, now a provincial capital of Uzbekistan, lies at the confluence of the Suraxandar’ja and Amudar’ja (former Oxus) rivers. North of the ruins of the Old Town, destroyed by Gengis Khan and since deserted, explored by Soviet archaeologists since the 1930’s, two Buddhist monasteries were excavated: Kara-Tepa (where excavations are still going on) and Fajaz-Tepa. They are the best evidence we have for Bactrian Buddhism, including in the very close-by Bactrae. Outstanding paintings and sculptures were brought to light: they are not dealt with in this volume, entirely devoted to the architecture and epigraphy of these two monasteries. A great number of sherds and pots inscribed in Indian and Bactrian languages were discovered during the excavations. V. V. Vertogradova published in 1995 all the Kara-Tepa and Fajaz-Tepa inscriptions known at that time. Many more were discovered since. This volume contains a commented-upon catalogue of every inscribed sherd ever found in Termez, viz. 226 Kara-Tepa sherds, 94 Fajaz-Tepa sherds, 17 sherds from other places in and around Termez. These inscriptions are the best evidence we have for life in mahāsāṃghika monasteries in Bactria from c. 50 A.D. to c. 650.