McComas and Andrew,
Not a text, but an interesting reading would be A. K. Ramanujan, "Towards an Anthology of City Images" pp. 224-242 in Richard G. Fox, editor, _Urban India: Society, Space and Image_ (Durham, N.C. Duke University Program in Comparative Studies on Southern Asia, 1970) [Monograph and Occasional Papers Series, Monograph 2]--which contrasts treatment of cities in Sanskrit literature with that of Tamil literature.
Frank F. Conlon
Professor Emeritus of History, South Asian
Studies & Comparative Religion
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3560 USA
Co-editor, H-ASIA
Managing Director, Bibliography of Asian Studies Online
On Fri, 18 Mar 2011, McComas Taylor wrote:
Dear Colleague
I fine student of mine, Andrew Donnelly, is working on the concept of the
city in Sanskrit literature. If you come across any references or
descriptions of cities in your readings, would you be be kind enough to
forward the references to him at:
With thanks in advance
McComas Taylor