At 12:56 00-11-11 -0800, Steve Farmer wrote:

>The vast majority of
>these "wheels" are oval or have pointy ends and lack many other
>characteristics of wheels.

Dear Prof. Farmer,

Following a subtle remark inserted in your web-page
(  ---

 -"...If Harappans spent their time making oval or pointed chariot wheels,
Harappan jokes could substitute for 'Polish jokes' or 'Little Moron jokes'
or 'Rajaram horse jokes' -- that is, jokes about archetypal human stupidity"),

let me Polishly suggest that them Harappan fools may still have
had their little reasons to want to squeeze their ole wheels a bit.
Especially, if they tried to transform an unwieldy circular image
into some much sleeker-looking (i.e. "oval/pointy-ended") writing
sign - just to save precious writing space.

Are there any examples of such oval "wheels" represented horizontally?

From a friendly Pole,

University of Warsaw