Max Planck,the founder of quantum physics, made a very perceptive observation 100years ago.He said to the effect that there are no debates in science in the sense that people donot change their views because of other people's arguments.. What happens is that one point of view passes out with the passing away of its adherents and the new generation automatically accepts what is by now the mainstream view.
This holds in all disciplines. There will always be questions that cannot be answered at any given point of time. In science, when you are short of data, you can order more data through observations/experimentation. This is not possible in history. May be in  50 years there would be uncovered new evidence that would answer some of the questions agitating our minds today. All said and done, history is not in a hurry: we are.
Uncertainty in data should reflect in our conclusiions based on them.Which of our assertions and perceptions today are likely to  remain valid  when a breakthrough comes?
Rajesh Kochhar
Prof Rajesh Kochhar
National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies
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