I would recommend the following article:
Butzenberger, Klaus. 1996.
Ancient Indian Conceptions on Man's Destiny After Death: The Beginnings
and the Early Development of the Doctrine of Transmigration. Part I.
Berliner Indologische Studien 9:
Note that, in contrast with the UpaniSads, in the
Gita (8.23-26) it is not one's actions/behavior that determines which
path one will follow after death, but the moment of death, and this is
consistent with BhISma's decision to postpone his death until the
beginning of the uttarAyaNa.
The two paths seem to be combined in the JaiminIya BrAhmaNa (1.49), and
this is probably an earlier version of the theory.
The devayAna and pitRyANa of the Rg Veda are probably not the same as the
UpaniSadic paths.
The two paths are also based on the general Vedic division of time cycles
into a light and a dark half (or, an ascending and descending half),
where the light half of a cycle is auspicious and the dark one is
not. I have written on this (in Spanish) in:
Tiempo ciclico y eras del mundo en la
India. Mexico City:
El Colegio de Mexico, 1988:43-53.
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
University of California, Berkeley
At 01:55 PM 03/07/2000 +0000, Eric Robert
>Answers CC to the author, please.
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 10:53:20 +0100
>From: "Robert, Eric" <Eric.Robert@um.be>
>I am searching for early references to karman and re-birth theory. I
>several passages in the older upanishads: BU (eg 6.2), CU (5.3-5.10),
>(1.1-1.2). These are relatively clear in their statements about the
path of
>the gods, leading to brahman, and the path leading, through the world
>fathers, to a new birth in a pleasant or foul womb, according to
>pleasant or foul behaviour. In KsU, it is said that the moon propels
them to
>new birth in various conditions in accordance with his actions and
>Is there clear evidence or reference to such theory in prior
material, ie
>samhitaas, braahmaNas or aaraNyakas?
>In advance than you
>Eric Robert