Harry Spier wrote:
Belvalkar (1962) in this verse reads "...puNyakRtAM lokAn"My 1968 reprint of the B.O.R.I. gives
and notes "puNyakRtAMllokAn" as a variant (M in this case represents
chandrabindu).Van Buitenen reads "...puNyakRtaMl lokAn".
Could someone tell me what the B.O.R.I. critical edition reads?
The variation "...puNyakRtAM lokAn" is noted as a variant and
there is another variation
"puNyatamAMllokAn" (M in this case represents chandrabindu)
also noted. The Van Buitenen is consistent as usual with B.O.R.I.,
except for the technical break between the two l's.