At 01:44 PM 11/11/98 +0100, you wrote:
>At 09:57 11.11.98 +-100, Lars Martin Fosse wrote:
>>Artur Karp and H. M. Hubey keep referring to Dominique Thillaud as "she".
>I believe that last time I was in contact with Dominique, she was a man.
>What has happened?
>>Best regards,
>>Lars Martin
>Dear Dominique --- I am terribly embarrassed.
>The mistake is exclusively mine, not M. Hubey's.
>It only shows that:
>1) I tend to rely too much on analogies (always feminine: Veronique, Monique);
>2) Dtto on my own language's feeling for gender (Dominik-Dominika).
>It's obvious now that I need to go deeper into your language - which I take
>on as a self-appointed task.
>I do hope you accept my apology.
>Artur Karp, M.A.
>University of Warsaw

Nov 12, 1998

Dear Members,
This refers to the 'he-she' controversy over the pairing of human beings as reflected in the highly enjoyable letters reproduced above. My observations in Sanskrit (thanks to the inventors of the wonderful 'Itranslator' software for making room for Sanskrit in its natural garb in the Indology list):

k> ka vayimy< veit maehyNtI buxanip,
mhamayaivnI kaicdœ -a;a jytu laEikkI.
vagtItStyaeraTma ôIpu<Vyi­ivvijRt>,
ye ivÊSteip mayaya< i¬ZyiNt ³aNtdizRn>.

Best wishes.