[INDOLOGY] Abbreviations in NGMCP catalogue entries.

Roland Steiner steiner at staff.uni-marburg.de
Tue Jan 7 01:03:42 UTC 2025

[I apologise for the typo: not "between 1970 and 2021," but "between  
1970 and 2001."]

As far as the current state of digitisation is concerned, I can also  
report that this week the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State  
Library) will bring a further 2,000 films to its scanning service  
provider. To give you an idea of the scope of the filmed material:
Between 1970 and 2001, the NGMPP filmed approximately 180,000  
manuscripts and 60,000 historical documents (9,136 microfilms, over  
700 slide films and approximately 2,000 framed colour slides).

Roland Steiner

Mobil: +49-1590 2131342

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