[INDOLOGY] Global Philosophy of Religion 2 - Grants Opportunities in South Asian Studies

Marie-Hélène Gorisse mhgorisse at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 11:38:16 UTC 2025

 Dear all,

My colleagues Martin Pickup, David Cheetham and I are starting the second
phase of a large-scale Templeton project on Global Philosophy of Religion
at the University of Birmingham, and we wanted to bring your attention on
our open calls for funding (with deadlines upcoming: March 31), as they are
of relevance for colleagues working on Indian philosophy and philosophy of

We would be delighted if some of you would consider applying, there are
notably up to 10 projects up to £30,000 each on Theoretical and Conceptual
Research, and the same amount for Science-Engaged Projects. There are also
2 scholarships for MA Studies in Jainism, and there will soon be a
postdoctoral position, travel grants, grants for public engagement,
stipends to academics who will develop a new course that contributes to the
diversification of their philosophy of religion curriculums, and many more
exciting opportunities! (see below)

We would be very grateful if you would pass on this information to others
who might be interested.

With many thanks!



*Call for Funding Applications, multiple streams*

The *Global Philosophy of Religion Project 2
<https://globalphilosophyofreligion.com/>*, funded by the John Templeton
Foundation and a number of other sources, is running a series of funding
competitions over the coming months. These include theoretical and
conceptual research, science-engaged research, public engagement and
impact, and several teaching and training stipends. The first call for
applications is now open at *this site
<https://globalphilosophyofreligion.com/grants/>* with the earliest
deadlines on 31st March 2025. A press release is available *here
Please share widely to anyone who might be interested, and contact
*gpr at contacts.bham.ac.uk
<gpr at contacts.bham.ac.uk>* with any questions.

*The Global Philosophy of Religion Project: Fundamental Spiritual Reality,
Human Purpose, and Living Well <https://globalphilosophyofreligion.com/>*
is a £2.4million initiative to transform the philosophy of religion into a
truly global and diverse field of inquiry. Based at the *Birmingham Centre
for the Philosophy of Religion
the University of Birmingham, it is led by *Martin Pickup
<https://martinpickup.weebly.com/>* with *Marie-Hélène Gorisse
and *David
Cheetham <https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/tr/cheetham-david>*.
Continuing the work of the first Global Philosophy of Religion project (run
by *Yujin Nagasawa <https://www.philosophy.prof/>*), this second stage has
a particular focus on human purpose, the meaning of life, and what it is to
live well, including ‘down-stream’ questions connected to religious
practice. It will consider what role (if any) fundamental spiritual
realities like God or other divine entities play in addressing such issues.
It will expand to cover all religious traditions, including traditions
which are at the crossroads between religions, philosophies, spiritualities
and ways of life, such as Buddhism and various East Asian philosophies
(e.g., Jainism, Confucianism and Taoism), as well as the position that can
be described as the “spiritual but not religious.”

Marie-Hélène Gorisse
m.gorisse at bham.ac.uk

Dharmanath Assistant Professor in Jain Studies
Department of Theology and Religion
University of Birmingham
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