[INDOLOGY] Anquetil Duperron

Agnes Korn agnes.korn at cnrs.fr
Sun Sep 29 08:00:48 UTC 2024

There's something here as well:
And Anquetil is mentioned in some additional 50 articles in the EncIR 

Olivia' Rable's recent PhD thesis 
discusses his contribution to the re-discovery of Iranian inscriptions 
and manuscripts.


Le 28/09/2024 à 21:05, Lindquist, Steven via INDOLOGY a écrit :
> You will also find some further sources in Supriya Gandhi’s /The 
> Emperor Who Never Was: Dara Shukoh in Mughal India/, Harvard 
> University Press, 2020
> //
> -- 
> *From: *INDOLOGY <indology-bounces at list.indology.info> on behalf of 
> alakendu Das via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>
> *Date: *Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 11:45 AM
> *To: *Franco <franco at uni-leipzig.de>
> *Cc: *indology at list.indology.info <indology at list.indology.info>
> *Subject: *Re: [INDOLOGY] Anquetil Duperron
> Thanks everyone for their references.
> Regards.
> Alakendu Das
> On Sat, Sep 28, 2024, 21:55 Franco <franco at uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>     By the way, there is a historical novel on Anquetil, Le Guerrier
>     de l’esprit by Annick Bernard, published in the early 1980s.
>     Best wishes,
>     Eli
>         On 28.09.2024, at 17:13, Jean Michel DELIRE via INDOLOGY
>         <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>         Jacques Anquetil, /Anquetil Duperron Premier orientaliste
>         français, biographie/, Paris, 2005, and Anquetil Duperron,
>         /Voyage en Inde 1754-1762, Relation de voyage en préliminaire
>         à la traduction du Zend-Avesta/, présentation, notes et
>         bibliographie par J.Deloche, M. et P.-S. Filliozat, Paris,
>         1997. Unhappily in French, but very interesting.
>         Best,
>                 *Jean Michel DELIRE, PhD
>                 **/Lecturer on History of mathematics - IHEB
>                 (University of Brussels, ULB)
>                 Lecturer on /**/Science and civilisation of India -
>                 Sanskrit Texts - IHEB (ULB)
>                 /**/Member (Administrator) of the Centre National
>                 d'Histoire des Sciences (KBR, Bruxelles)
>                 Member of the Société Asiatique (Paris)
>                 Member of the International Association of Sanskrit
>                 Studies
>                 Member (Advisory Board) of the International Study
>                 Group on the Relations Between the History and
>                 Pedagogy of Mathematics/*
>         Le sam. 28 sept. 2024 à 14:56, alakendu Das via INDOLOGY
>         <indology at list.indology.info> a écrit :
>             Revered Scholars,
>             Can anyone suggest any book or link elaborating the works
>             of the French Indologist Anquetil Duperron, who, in fact ,
>             translated Upanishads into Latin.
>             Regards.
>             Alakendu Das.
Agnes Korn, PhD habil.
CNRS ; UMR 8041 Centre de recherche sur le monde iranien (CeRMI)
7 rue Guy Môquet
94800 Villejuif

agnes.korn at cnrs.fr
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