[INDOLOGY] Course on Indian Mathematics in Paris

Satyanad Kichenassamy satyanad.kichenassamy at univ-reims.fr
Thu Sep 19 10:23:08 UTC 2024

_Course announcement:_

_Title_: Philology and mathematical epistemology in Ancient India, II

Satyanad Kichenassamy (Univ. Reims & EPHE, Paris)

_Time and place_ : Sorbonne, Esc. E, 1st floor, Fridays 2-4pm, starting 
October 11.

This course is given within the framework of Jan Houben's chair at EPHE 
("Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite").

_Course description_ :

The first part of this course has shown that the first extant theorem 
(i.e., the first universal mathematical statement buttressed by a 
rigorous argumentation) is found in the Śulvasūtras. This is the 
familiar result attributed to Pythagoras by a late tradition. It is part 
of a mathematical discourse that can be understood in its historical 
evolution by close reading of the early ritual corpus (see /Journal 
Asiatique, /*311*.2 (2023), 267–303 and its references). We focus here 
on the relation between mathematics and the measurement of time, and 
show that the later developement of Indian mathematics, including the 
developement of fractions and algebra, is a natural outgrowth of the 
mathematics of the Vedic period.

See also the presentation here: 

With best regards,

Satyanad Kichenassamy

Professeur des Universités
Laboratoire de Mathématiques (LMR, CNRS, UMR9008)
      et GREI (EPHE-PSL et Sorbonne-Université)
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
F-51687 Reims Cedex 2
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