[INDOLOGY] List of paninian equivalents of western grammatical terms for sanskrit

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 23:34:47 UTC 2024

Dear members,
Gerard Huet wrote:
. . .. Thus a serious Sanskrit grammar ought to use the Paninian notions,
like Pr Filliozat’s « Grammaire Sanskrite Pâninéenne ».

What resources are there for an english speaker to learn Paninian grammar
and how to use it.
 I'm aware of works on  Pāniṇian grammar  in english:
1) The Laghukaumudī of Varadarāja translated by James Ballantyne written in
2) The Siddhānta-kaumudī translated by Chandra Vasu over 2300 pages.
3)  Pāniṇi, His Work and Its Traditions, vol. 1 background and introduction
by George Cardona

Harry Spier
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