[INDOLOGY] Admission Open | UC Davis Graduate Program in the Study of Religion

Archana Venkatesan avenkatesan at ucdavis.edu
Wed Oct 16 15:33:39 UTC 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I want to draw your attention to the UC Davis Graduate Program in the Study
of Religion. Admissions is open now and if you know of any Masters or UG-s
looking for an interdisciplinary program with a strong record of mentorship
and near 100% job placement record, including in alt-ac positions, please
direct them our way. We are a fairly new program, so we are aiming to get
the word out. We have three faculty working on South Asian religions in our
department, and several faculty in History, Anthropology, and Middle
East/South Asia Studies, who are open to working with students interested
in South Asian religions.

Thank you,

[image: GREL Outreach Poster.jpg]

*"When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an
incarnation."*  Jorge Luis Borges

Archana Venkatesan <https://archana.faculty.ucdavis.edu/>
Graduate Advisor, Graduate Program in the Study of Religion
<https://religionsgrad.ucdavis.edu/> (2022-2025)
*Professor, Religious Studies and Comparative Literature*
Phone: 530-754-2821 (Office)
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