[INDOLOGY] AAR Jain Studies Unit CFP

Ana Bajzelj anabajzelj1 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 28 01:03:47 UTC 2024

Apologies for cross-posting.

Dear Colleagues,

The Jain Studies Unit welcomes suggestions for panel ideas to be included
in the *AAR 2025 Call for Papers*. If you would like to add your idea to
the CFP, please send a short provisional title of your topic, name, and
contact information to one (or both) of the Jain Studies Unit co-chairs,
Gregory Clines (gclines at trinity.edu) and/or Ana Bajzelj (abajzelj at ucr.edu),
by *December 10, 2024*. We especially welcome suggestions for panels to be
co-sponsored with other units and for panels that address the 2025 Annual
Meeting’s Presidential Theme: “Freedom.” The Jain Studies Unit encourages
proposals to include voices that are diverse in terms of race, caste,
ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, age, socioeconomic status,
geographic region, professional rank, and institutional affiliation.

*Online June Sessions*

The Jain Studies Unit welcomes proposals for the AAR’s Annual Meeting June
Sessions Online program. This online-only conference will run from June
24-26, 2025. We particularly encourage graduate students to submit
proposals for the online sessions.

*In-Person Annual Meeting*

Boston, Massachusetts, November 22-25, 2025.

Please note that the Jain Studies Unit only accepts proposals for complete
panels, roundtables, book discussions, etc., and does not accept individual
papers. This is true for both the online Summer Sessions and the in-person
annual meeting.

Panels can be proposed either for the Summer Sessions or the in-person
annual meeting, but the same panel cannot be considered for both. The
proposal deadline for both the Summer Sessions and the in-person meeting is
the same.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Ana and Greg


Ana Bajzelj
Associate Professor
Shrimad Rajchandra Endowed Chair in Jain Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department for the Study of Religion
Cooperating Faculty Member
Department of Philosophy
University of California, Riverside
Co-Chair, Jain Studies Unit, American Academy of Religion
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