[INDOLOGY] The Yoga Studies Symposium: 22-23 June, 2024

Lucy May Constantini lucymayconstantini at gmail.com
Wed May 29 20:01:41 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,

It’s my pleasure to write to let you know of The Yoga Studies Symposium:
Celebrating 20 Years of Academic Engagement, organised by myself and
Daniela Bevilacqua through CRIA-ISCTE (University Institute of Lisbon).

This 2-day online symposium over 22nd and 23rd June marks 20 years since
the publication of Elizabeth De Michelis’s A History of Modern Yoga by
reflecting on the state of the field of yoga studies since this landmark.
We do so through discussion of selected books on various aspects of yoga
studies published between 2022 and 2024, taking in the field’s
characteristically broad range of disciplines and methodologies.  We’re
delighted to be joined by many distinguished authors and discussants – many
of whom are on this list – and Elizabeth de Michelis herself for what we
hope will be lively and engaging interactions.  We aim to keep the
symposium interactive and will invite questions to authors and discussants
from the floor in the second half of each segment.

Tickets are free but booking through Eventbrite is necessary.  We plan to
make the proceedings available online after the symposium for those unable
to join us live.

The Eventbrite link:

And the CRIA event webpage:

We hope you will feel inspired to circulate this amongst your relevant
networks, and look forward to welcoming some of you in the virtual space.

Apologies for any cross-postings.

All best wishes,

Lucy May Constantini
PhD Candidate in Religious Studies
School of Social Sciences and Global Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University

Funded by the AHRC Open-Oxford-Cambridge DTP
OU People: Lucy May Constantin <https://www.open.ac.uk/people/lmc662>i
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