[INDOLOGY] Book request
Ilya Comet
ilya.comet at uclouvain.be
Tue May 28 14:10:47 UTC 2024
Dear fellow Indologists,
This is my first message to the list, and so I take the opportunity to
salute all of you.
Recently, I wanted to consult the following work by Bellikoth
Ramachandra Sharma, published in the Harvard Oriental Series:
/Sāmaveda samhitā of the Kauthuma school : with Padapāṭha and the
commentaries of Mādhava, Bharatasvāmin and Sāyaṇa/. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
I found it in my library in two volumes: vol. 1 containing the
Pūrvārcika (published in 2000, n. 57 in the series) and vol. 2 =
Uttarārcika (2001, n. 58). However, in the preface of both volumes, the
author speaks of a total of _three volumes to be published_, the last
one being planned in 2002 and containing, among others, an introduction
(and a list of abbreviations). However, I have not been able to find
this third volume anywhere, not even in the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog.
_Does anyone know whether the third volume has actually come out?_ And
if it has, where is it available?
The specific information I am looking for is the meaning of an
abbreviation (in bold here) used by the editor, in the following passage
from vol. 1 p. 3 or 4:
- /aganma jyotir amr̥tā abhūma | antarikṣaṃ pr̥thivyā adhy āruhāma |
divam antarikṣād adhy āruhāma | avidāma devān sam u devair aganmahi |/
*dra*. *Mā. Saṃ. 8.52*
- /un nayāmi/ | *Mā. Saṃ* *31.5*
These are mantras quoted by the commentator Mādhava in his introduction.
That passage contains several mantras that I could not trace back
(exactly) to extant texts, even outside the Sāmaveda-saṃhitā. In the
first instance, the first pāda corresponds to VS 8.52 but the rest
doesn’t; the Updated Concordance returned no results for the whole
mantra. But the editor B R Sharma seems to have identified something
similar in another text, abbreviated/Mā. Saṃ./, which he invites us to
look at (/dra. = draṣṭavyam/?). The second passage, which the
Concordance identifies as Kaṭha-saṃhitā 11.8, is apparently also found
in that mysterious text.
I expect it to be the name of a Saṃhitā or at least a Vedic text, but
which? The Maitrāyaṇī has only 4 chapters, and I can’t think of a name
of a Saṃhitā that starts with Mā...
Any ideas or suggestions would be very helpful!
Thank you,
Ilya Comet
Ilya Comet
PhD Candidate, University of Louvain
FRS-FNRS Research Fellow
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