[INDOLOGY] Extending ISO 15919 (Sharada, Newa etc.)

Jan Kučera jan.kucera at ujca.cz
Fri May 24 23:00:36 UTC 2024

Dear all,

ISO/TC 46 met this week and approved to include additional scripts in the transliteration standard ISO 15919. Most naturally these would be scripts that the standard already suggests are in scope, but that were not encoded in Unicode at the time of its publication. The list includes Brahmi, Grantha, Kaithi, Modi, Sharada, Takri and Newa.

I am fairly confident we have enough experts to review Brahmi and Grantha, and from the past conversations in this group I believe we might have others as well. If including the scripts above has raised your previously mild interest to participate in the standard revision, feel free to let me know, you would be very welcome.

Best regards,
Jan Kučera
ल Institute of South and Central Asia Students, Prague

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