[INDOLOGY] A question regarding typography

Lubomír Ondračka ondracka at ff.cuni.cz
Fri May 10 18:55:06 UTC 2024

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On 10/05/2024 19:04, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY wrote:
> Typography of Devanagari by B.S. Naik 1971 (a three volume set) may 
> have what you want.  I used to have a pdf of this, but I can't locate 
> it.  If anyone sends this to you, please also forward it to me.
> Harry Spier
> On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 1:38 PM Herman Tull via INDOLOGY 
> <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>     Does anyone have any information on the history of typography used
>     for Euro-American Sanskrit-devanagari texts from the late 19th and
>     early 20th centuries? In some printed volumes  I notice a mix
>     between using the "Calcutta" style and the "Bombay" style of
>     letters. (For a highly readable article on the difference between
>     the two, see:
>     https://gazette.universalthirst.com/home/the-story-of-the-devanagari-letter)
>     This is particularly noticeable in Lanman's /Reader/ which has the
>     "Calcutta" style for "a / ā"; "ṇa"; and "śa"; but the "Bombay"
>     style for "la" and "kṣa."
>     Any information would be appreciated.
>     with regards,
>     Herman
>     /*Herman Tull, PhD*/
>     /*Princeton, NJ*/
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