[INDOLOGY] Reference needed

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Thu May 2 11:36:05 UTC 2024

Received thanks to Shrikant Bahulkar and R Narenthiran
Harry Spier

On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 9:32 AM Harry Spier <vasishtha.spier at gmail.com>

> Thank you to Lubomir Ondracka who sent me the reference from Google books
> but missing page 173 (not available for public view).  If anyone has page
> 173 it would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Harry Spier
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 7:10 PM Harry Spier <vasishtha.spier at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear list members,
>> If anyone has: The History and Principles of Vedic Interpretation by Ram
>> Gopal, published by Concept Publishing Company, 1983.  Could they send me
>> pages 169 thru 176.
>> Thanks,
>> Harry Spier
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