[INDOLOGY] The Sanskrit Library's Summer 2024 Intensive Sanskrit Course and Publication discount

Peter Scharf scharfpm7 at gmail.com
Wed May 1 01:47:46 UTC 2024

Dear Indologist,
The Sanskrit Library would like to announce its intensive summer Introductory Sanskrit course 3 June–29 July.  The course covers the equivalent of a two-semester university course in eight weeks.  A regularly paced two-semester Introductory Sanskrit sequence will be offered beginning in September.  These courses use our unprecedented intelligent interactive on-line exercise platform that provides immediate evaluation and focused help to students at each stage of working through exercises allowing class time to focus on the subtler issues of translation and syntax.

Further information about these courses is available on our Website at this link:
Please share the news and the link with anyone and everyone you think might be interested.

	For information about our publications, please visit https://sanskritlibrary.org/publications.html.  From now through 3 May get 15% off by entering the discount code SUNSHINE15 during the Lulu Press checkout.
	Submit an article for publication in our journal विमर्शिनी here: https://sites.google.com/sanskritlibrary.org/courses/research-journal
	Please support the The Sanskrit Library initiatives here: https://sanskritlibrary.org/donate.html

Yours sincerely,

Peter M. Scharf, President
The Sanskrit Library
scharf at sanskritlibrary.org
Peter Scharf
scharfpm7 at gmail.com

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