[INDOLOGY] Classical Indian musical theory

Buchta, David david_buchta at brown.edu
Sun Jun 23 16:42:15 UTC 2024

Hi Martin,

Ramamatya’s Svaramelakalanidhi is from just a century before your friend’s
interest. There’s an edition with a helpful intro here:

Sorry for the brevity. About to board a roller coaster.

Happy summer,

David Buchta, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit
Department of Classics
Brown University

On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 11:11 AM Lubomír Ondračka via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> A perfect bibliographic tool on Indian music is the entry "Hinduism and
> Music" by Eben Graves in Oxford Bibliographies Online:
> https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780195399318/obo-9780195399318-0158.xml
> Of the many introductory books, I can recommend two in particular:
> 1/ Emmie te Nijenhuis, Indian Music: History and Structure, Leiden:
> Brill, 1974 (a bit dense)
> 2/ Bonnie C. Wade, Music in India: The Classical Traditions, Englewood
> Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1979
> Best,
> Lubomir
> On 23/06/2024 09:46, Martin Gansten via INDOLOGY wrote:
> A professional Baroque violinist, not an Indologist and so not on this
> list, has asked me for introductions to classical Indian musical theory,
> including the concept of rāga, especially as found in Carnatic music. Both
> primary texts (in translation) and secondary sources are welcome, and the
> period corresponding to the Baroque (17th to 18th century) would be of
> special interest.
> This question is entirely outside my field of knowledge, and I would
> appreciate any suggestions from knowledgeable colleagues. If there are
> particular recordings that might be helpful, and perhaps go with a
> particular text/book (by design or serendipity), that would be useful too.
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Martin Gansten
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