[INDOLOGY] Tech Info

Johnrobert Gardner johnrobert.gardner at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 16:35:06 UTC 2024


Apologies if not appropriate, offline answers fine.  Back in the day, tech
exchanges did occur this great forum, so asking here.

Some are familiar with Vedavid.org.  While outdate, it gets a lot of use
and the email gets inquiries.  Can someone show me (I read google's online
help and I have NO CLUE what it means) a document says how to set up DKIM
and SPF for the email? ... I'm hoping someone has suffered through this and
found a way.

I get periodica scholarly inquiries on the email atman at vedavid.org, and
can't reply now to anyone on gmail.

thanks, and --again-- I know it's mostly off topic, but hoping to keep one
of the early indological internet frontier outposts alive.


John Robert Gardner, Ph.D., NREMTP, I/C, IAEMD

"Love's the only engine of survival ... " - L. Cohen

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