[INDOLOGY] Svarodaya

David and Nancy Reigle dnreigle at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 15:23:23 UTC 2024

Also a second Sanskrit manuscript of the *Yuddhajayārṇava-tantra-svarodaya*:

On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 9:19 AM David and Nancy Reigle <dnreigle at gmail.com>

> Dear Matthew,
> You very likely already know the three items about to be listed; but since
> no one else has yet replied, at least publicly, I will go ahead with these.
> Perhaps they will be of use if someone else tries to search svarodaya in
> the future.
> 1. The *Yuddhajaya-* or *Yuddhajayārṇava-tantra-svarodaya* is found in
> Tibetan translation in the Tengyur, Tohoku no. 4322. What seems to be a
> Sanskrit manuscript of it is available at Archive.org, although I have not
> checked to see if it is the same text.
> https://archive.org/details/YuddhaJayarnava5454GhaAlm25Shlf1DevanagariJyotish/page/n7/mode/2up
> 2. The *Narapatijayacaryāsvarodayaḥ* is another old Sanskrit svarodaya
> text. It is available at Archive.org in a printed edition:
> https://archive.org/details/QwjT_narapati-jayacharya-svarodaya-of-shri-narapati-with-jaya-lakshmi-tika-of-harivansha-1946-khemar
> 3. The *Kālacakra-tantra* has a section on svarodaya in chapter 1, verses
> 95-127 (or 94-126 in the Shong ston version), which would have been written
> prior to 1040 CE as determined by John Newman. As you know, my new edition
> of this chapter has just been published: *Kālacakra-tantra: A Corrected
> Edition along with Two Tibetan Translations*, vol. 1.
> With best regards,
> David Reigle
> Colorado, U.S.A.
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 10:36 AM Matthew Kapstein via INDOLOGY <
> indology at list.indology.info> wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>> To pursue a query I began a few years ago and never followed up on:
>> Is there any scholarship that you are aware of, in the fields of Indian
>> astrology, yoga, tantra, or medicine, on the works variously title
>> Svarodayatantra, Śiva-svarodaya,
>> Svarodaya-vijñāna, etc.? I am primarily interested in older versions of
>> these text, such as may have been in circulation before the fifteenth or
>> sixteenth century.
>> I am of course familiar with Alain Daniélou's *Le Shiva-Svarodaya: La
>> naissance du Souffle de Vie *(Milan 1982). Some searches on the internet
>> have turned up a large number of modern Hindi translations and commentaries
>> that seem mostly to be non-academic and concern popular astrology, ayurveda
>> and the like - I imagine that the situation is similar in other modern
>> Indian languages. (But I would welcome recommendations of works in Hindi
>> that appear to be of value for academic research on the Sanskrit texts.)
>> with thanks,
>> Matthew
>> Matthew T. Kapstein
>> Professor emeritus
>> Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL Research University, Paris
>> Associate
>> The University of Chicago Divinity School
>> https://ephe.academia.edu/MatthewKapstein
>> https://vajrabookshop.com/product/the-life-and-work-of-auleshi/
>> https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501716218/tibetan-manuscripts-and-early-printed-books-volume-i/#bookTabs=1
>> https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501771255/tibetan-manuscripts-and-early-printed-books-volume-ii/#bookTabs=1
>> https://brill.com/edcollbook/title/60949
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