[INDOLOGY] Papers of the the Agamas and Tantras section of the 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2009

McComas Taylor McComas.Taylor at anu.edu.au
Mon Jul 15 23:32:47 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,

I have received the following inquiry from Beauford Stenberg who is not on this list. Can anyone help him out?


I am endeavouring to locate the papers of  the Agamas and Tantras of the 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September 1st - 5th, 2009, but have not been able do do so. I would really appreciate your assistance in securing them.


Please respond directly to Beauford here:

beauford.a.stenberg at gmail.com

Thanks in advance


   [cid:df0dfcab-11e6-479a-b798-638a3996e3e4] <https://youtu.be/L2-keJ9IxBo?si=mgeY20EoIqGSMrkY>    [cid:1d2fee97-78a7-401b-a63c-bb153582e88c]

McComas Taylor, Professor of Sanskrit
College of Asia and Pacific, Australian National University
Secretary-General, International Assoc. of Sanskrit Studies

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