[INDOLOGY] Reinhold Grünendahl (04.05.1950 – 10.07.2024)

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 17:53:19 UTC 2024

An amazing achievement by Dr. Grunendahl, a digitized cross section of the
sanskrit literature and more , etexts in pali, prakrit, southern languages
Rest in peace.
Harry Spier

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024, 7:30 AM x kiepue via INDOLOGY <
indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear list members,
> It is with great sadness that I must announce the passing away of our
> friend and colleague Reinhold Grünendahl on July 10, 2024.
> I enclose a message written by Jens-Uwe Hartmann who is not on this list.
> It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that another friend and
> colleague, Dr Reinhold Grünendahl, passed away after a serious illness. He
> initially specialised in the Mahābhārata and the associated viṣṇuit
> literature. As a result of his employment at the Nepal-German Manuscript
> Preservation Project and his subsequent work as the librarian for South
> Asia at the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SUB) in
> Göttingen, he increasingly focussed on recording Indian manuscripts and
> South Indian writings. Recognising the ever-growing need for digital
> availability of Sanskrit works, he used his position at the SUB to set up
> the “Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages and related
> Indological materials from Central and Southeast Asia” (GRETIL) (
> http://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de/gretil.html). This database, which
> was constantly growing until Grünendahl’s retirement, still proves to be a
> first-rate digital resource that is constantly used, and it is extremely
> regrettable that the SUB is apparently not continuing to maintain the site.
> However, the worldwide dissemination of the texts available in GRETIL will
> ensure that its founder Reinhold Grünendahl will be remembered with
> greatest gratitude by all his colleagues in the field.
> With kind regards,
> Petra Kieffer-Pülz
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