[INDOLOGY] Pseudo-Kālidāsa

Peter Wyzlic pwyzlic at uni-bonn.de
Wed Dec 11 13:13:57 UTC 2024

Am 11.12.2024 um 13:29 schrieb Valerie Roebuck via INDOLOGY:
> ‘Look to this day:
> For it is life, the very life of life.
> In its brief course…’
> that the internet always attributes to Kālidāsa, even though it bears 
> no resemblance to his style.
> Did we ever find out where it really came from? I’m trying to convince 
> a friend, and I think it would help to be able to point to a real author.

In the magazine "The Rotarian", vol. 11, no. 4 (Oct. 1917), page 312 it 
is attributed to Ed M. DeLoach, Oklahoma City

Hope it helps,
Peter Wyzlic

Universität Bonn
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Brühler Str. 7
D-53119 Bonn
Tel.: 0228/73-62436
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