[INDOLOGY] Verify dates for the Gītā

Howard Resnick hr at ivs.edu
Fri Dec 6 04:09:48 UTC 2024

Dear Scholars,

A Vaiṣṇava sannyāsī priest asked me to verify or reject dates given by “someone” for the great Kurukṣetra-yuddha, and thus for Krishna’s speaking of the Gītā. Personally, I am wholly unqualified to address this issue, having never studied the requisite areas of Hindu "astro-chronology.” I am sending the query I received as an attached file. 

I would be grateful for an expert opinion here. If the claims made in this argument are incoherent or unscholarly (which I cannot evaluate) it would be quite good to know that.

Many thanks in advance for any help with this.

Best wishes,

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