[INDOLOGY] Malayāḷam at Tübingen: course for beginners in winter term 2024/25

Heike Oberlin heike.oberlin at uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Aug 26 06:33:42 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues, students and Malayalam enthusiasts,

the Dept. of Indology at the University of Tübingen offers in the coming winter semester 2024/25 a Malayalam course for beginners („Malayalam Grundstufe 1“. Applications are welcome!

Malayalam: Course for Beginners
Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin & Vishnupriyaa P.S. (M.A.)

The course is aimed at beginners with no prior knowledge of the language.
The participants acquire knowledge of the Malayalam script (old and new), basic knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the Dravidian language Malayalam and can comprehend, identify and explain basic structures of grammar and syntax.

Place:		Hybrid: either in-class at Tübingen (students of Tübingen University) or online via Zoom (external guest students).
Time:		21 October 2024 – 6 February 2025 | Mondays (4:15 – 5:45 pm CET) & Thursdays (4:15 – 5:45 pm CET)
Fees:		Free for students of Tübingen University (registration via ALMA). External guest students have to register centrally and pay a fee of 50€: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/951.
Application:	indologie at uni-tuebingen.de <mailto:heike.oberlin at uni-tuebingen.de>

The number of participants is limited. Tübingen students are given preferential admission. All other interested are requested to enclose a short letter of motivation (max. half page). Application deadline for external participants: 30.9.2024.

Credit points / ECTS:
For students of the University of Tübingen: 6 ECTS.
For students from other universities: The approval must be negotiated with the respective university.


Best regards,
Heike Oberlin, with Vishnupriyaa P.S. 


Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin
Head of the Dept. of Indology
Spokesperson of the State Representation of Academic Staff at Universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg (LAM-BW) | Deputy University Equal Opportunities Officer & Equal Opportunities Officer of the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies | Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Humanities | Member of the Senate's Structural Commission | Member of the University Board (of Trustees) of the University of Tuebingen

 | DHV representative at the University of Tübingen

Dept. of Indology · University of Tuebingen
Nauklerstr. 35 (room 3.07) · 72074 Tuebingen
 · Germany
phone 07071 29-74005 · mobile 0176 20030066 · heike.oberlin at uni-tuebingen.de <mailto:heike.oberlin at uni-tuebingen.de>


** Heike Oberlin; David Shulman (ed.). 2019. Two Masterpieces of Kūṭiyāṭṭam: Mantrāṅkam and Aṅgulīyāṅkam. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. OUP <https://india.oup.com/product/two-masterpieces-of-kutiyattam-9780199483594?fbclid=IwAR2J16e3y61oUlOxqSYxewJdbTci69zzDRRCBbLJMC920pNSqifZuVLNG4c> (6 video clips online: FDAT <http://hdl.handle.net/10900.1/a164c91d-8c89-46e9-8a93-2d0c5f508080>) [Podcast <https://megaphone.link/NBN2471370216> by Raj Balkaran: Interview of David Shulman and Heike Oberlin, April 27, 2023]
** https://www.gundert-portal.de/

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