[INDOLOGY] Upgrade to online Koln Bohtlink-Roth dictionary?

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 20:40:24 UTC 2024

My thanks to Marcis Gasuns and his colleagues for this great work!

Harry Spier

On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 4:16 AM Mārcis Gasūns <gasyoun at ya.ru> wrote:

> Greetings from Russia!
> 14.08.2024, 05:24, "Harry Spier via INDOLOGY" <indology at list.indology.info
> >:
> I just looked up *cint* in the Koln online Bohtlink-Roth Grosses
> Worterbuch.
> https://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/PWGScan/2020/web/webtc2/index.php
> and I noticed that for the references given for the different formations of*
> cint * listed, for those references to the Mahabharata,the Harivamsa, the
> Ramayana, the Kathasaritsagara,  but not references to other works, you can
> download a pdf of the image of the actual page of the work ch with the
> reference, just by clicking on the reference..Very impressive! I had not
> noticed that before.
> It was not there before ) The first links appeared around two years ago.
> It's one of the topics covered at
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEaA7hhGjCI
> Does anyone know if this is an ongoing project to make all the references
> in the B-R Grosse Worterbuch live (i.e. point to the actual page of the
> work referenced).
> All would not be possible. But the most widely cited are first hunted for.
> We lack volunteers to speed up interlinking.
> kathāsaritsāgara was launched 3 weeks ago at
> https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/PWG/issues/70
> and if this project also extends to other of the Koln on-line dictionaries.
> Yes, it does. I recommend you use the
> https://sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/simple/ UI and try Grassman for
> links to Rigveda and Atharvaveda, for example, or MW.
> What makes this especially useful, is that the images are good enough to
> put in "Sanskrit CR"  https://ocr.sanskritdictionary.com/
> and get almost flawless digitization.
> That could be done on our end in batch mode, actually.
> Dr. Marcis Gasuns
> --
> Марцис Юрьевич
> МТС: +79181925084
> Skype: gasyoun
> E-mail: gasyoun at ya.ru
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