[INDOLOGY] Book Announcement: Śambūka and the Rāmāyaṇa Tradition

Aaron Sherraden aaron.sherraden at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 13:32:54 UTC 2023

Dear Friends and Scholars,

I would like to announce the publication of my book, *Śambūka and the
Rāmāyaṇa Tradition: A History of Motifs and Motives in South Asia*
as part of the Anthem Press World Epic and Romance Series. The hardcover
and ebook versions are available directly from Anthem or from online
retailers like Amazon
 and Barnes & Noble

[image: Sherraden_9781839984693_Cover.jpg]

This book details the developmental history of narratives that affirm,
condemn, modify, or ignore the controversial execution of Śambūka, a minor
Rāmāyaṇa character of low social standing. Changing socio-political
sentiments throughout Indian history have forced numerous revisions to the
Śambūka story, placing it in an underappreciated position of influence.

Foreword (by Paula Richman): Śambūka’s Story across Time and India’s
1. Introduction: Śambūka’s Death Toll
2. Śambūka’s Earliest Death
3. First Responders
4. The Uttararāmacarita and Śambūka’s Purpose in Death
5. The Accident or the Execution
6. Śambūka Lives on Ramtek Hill
7. The Anti-Caste Revolutionary
8. Śambūka in the Twenty-First Century
9. Conclusion: Śambūka and the Rāmāyaṇa Tradition

With best wishes,
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