[INDOLOGY] Fwd: [Samskrita] Siddhanta font rendering in Word broken after recent update

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 19:11:44 UTC 2023

The following was posted to the Samskrta list.
Harry Spier

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bandaru Viswanath <vegavahini at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 2:12 PM
Subject: [Samskrita] Siddhanta font rendering in Word broken after recent
To: samskrita <samskrita at googlegroups.com>, <
sanskrit-programmers at googlegroups.com>


I use siddhanta font heavily in my work. I found that after a recent
MS-Word update, the Siddhanta font rendering is broken. More specifically,
the द्वित्वाक्षाणि are being displayed in their ह्रस्व forms. The Adishila
base font seems fine. But Adishila Dev Guru font also has the same issue.

Please see the screenshot below, each of the three bullet points are
rendered in Siddhanta, Adishila and Adishila Dev Guru fonts respectively.

[image: Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 10.42.28 PM.png]

Could anyone help me if there is a configuration that I may be missing? Or
do you see the same issue ?

I use MS Word (Office-365), on a MAC.

Thanks and Regards,

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