[INDOLOGY] The viyoginī metre

Arlo Griffiths arlogriffiths at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 5 04:14:56 UTC 2023

Dear Victor,

This is not really an answer, but we have viyoginī listed in our table of prosodic patterns for the DHARMA project.

Please look here: <https://erc-dharma.github.io/output-prosody/display-prosody.html>.

The definition and list of references we cite are:


Apte 1890, Appendix A: Sanskrit Prosody, page 11, № I.B.4.
Velankar 1949.
Zoetmulder 1974.

I have just completed the Zoetmulder reference in the source file but the html still needs to be updated. We still have to complete the Velankar reference.

On p. 470, Zoetmulder 1974 (Kalangwan: A survey of Old Javanese literature) cites a few occurrences from the 9th-c. Kakavin Rāmāyaṇa and associates the name Prabodhitā with this meter. I haven't attempted to track down his source for this name.



From: INDOLOGY <indology-bounces at list.indology.info> on behalf of victor davella via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info>
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2023 12:21 PM
To: Indology <indology at list.indology.info>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] The viyoginī metre

Dear all,

Does someone know the source of Mallinātha's definition of viyoginī ad Kumārasambhava 4.1: viṣame sasajā guruḥ same sabharā lo 'tha gurur viyoginī ? In the appendix to Velankar's  Jayadāman, only the Mandāramarandacampū is listed as having a metre named viyoginī. Others define the metre as Vaitālīya (e.g., Vallabhadeva) and Velankar has a note on this as well. I checked a couple of other works but have not been able to find Mallinātha's/Apte's definition. Thanks!

All the Best,

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