[INDOLOGY] [Publication Announcement] Viśeṣastava

Roland Steiner steiner at staff.uni-marburg.de
Thu Nov 9 11:06:35 UTC 2023

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to bring a new publication to your attention:

* * *

Der Sanskrittext nach den Handschriften bearbeitet und übersetzt von  
Johannes Schneider.
Marburg: Indica et Tibetica Verlag 2023 (Indica et Tibetica. 61). xi, 173 pp.
ISBN 978-3-923776-68-9
€ 36,00

Rādhasvāmin (also known as Udbhaṭasiddhasvāmin) was a Brahmin convert  
to Buddhism. His "Praise of Excellence" (Viśeṣastava) is both a eulogy  
and a polemic: the glorification of the Buddha Śākyamuni is interwoven  
with sharp criticism of non-Buddhist gods, teachings and cults in India.

For a long time, the Viśeṣastava was known only from its Tibetan  
version and an old commentary in the Tengyur (cf. Indica et Tibetica,  
vol. 23). To the present day, Tibetans study Indian myths and  
Brahmanical thought on this basis. Now for the first time the Sanskrit  
text has been critically edited according to the recently found  
manuscripts, together with a new edition of the Tibetan version and a  
German translation. The book also contains an introduction, a  
philological commentary as well as glossaries.

The Viśeṣastava is an outstanding testimony to Buddhist hymnic poetry.  
It gives a valuable insight into the religious controversies between  
Buddhists, Brahmins and Jainas in ancient India.

Further details can be found here:


Link to the publisher:


* * *

With my very best wishes,
Roland Steiner

Prof. Dr. Roland Steiner
Fachgebiet Indologie und Tibetologie
FB 10 der Philipps-Universitaet
Deutschhausstr. 12
D-35032 Marburg (Briefanschrift / for letters)
D-35037 Marburg (Paketanschrift / for parcels)
E-Mail: steiner at uni-marburg.de
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