[INDOLOGY] Welcome to my Nightmare or the Digital Blackout of the IDP

Matthew Kapstein mattkapstein at proton.me
Wed Nov 1 13:40:49 UTC 2023

If the IDP site is down - as seems to be the case just now - one can use the Gallica site of the BnF (https://gallica.bnf.fr/accueil/en/content/accueil-en?mode=desktop) and search for the manuscripts in the Pelliot collection there. (Many of the Dunhuang Chan documents are in fact in the Pelliot collection.) For instance, on entering 
Pelliot tibétain 996
in the search, I reached this page:
which is a very nice scan of one of the most important Dunhuang Chan texts. One may read online or download in pdf or jpg formats.

Matthew T. Kapstein
Professor emeritus
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL Research University, Paris

The University of Chicago Divinity School


Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

------- Original Message -------
On Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 at 2:29 PM, Dragomir Dimitrov via INDOLOGY <indology at list.indology.info> wrote:

> Dear list members,
> at the request of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hanneder I am sending you the following
> query. Any feedback and assistance would be most welcome. Thank you.
> With best wishes,
> Dragomir Dimitrov
> ************************************************************
> Dear Colleagues,
> does anyone know of or have a download of items from the Dunhuang
> Database? I have no overview of the structure of the website, but I am
> looking for the Tibetan Chan manuscripts. There are scans of the mss. and a
> more hidden set of transcriptions. This would be a sample link:
> idp.bl.uk/database/oo_cat.a4d?shortref=TibetanChanTransliterations_2014&ca
> tno=4
> As far as I could ascertain, the WayBackMachine does not seem to solve the
> problem, unless perhaps one has noted down each and every single url.
> I always wanted to avoid depending on digital sources only, but this time I
> became sloppy and thus, for a reading seminar, where we wanted to read
> Tibetan Chan texts (thanks to the great work of Sam van Shaik!), we are
> running out of material very soon. So if anyone has downloaded some items
> and is willing to send them to me, please contact me on my email address.
> Such "cyber incidents" are frequent. A couple of years ago in Gießen
> University the whole network was out for a whole term; from matriculation to
> book orders in the library, everything had to be done with the ancient
> technology of paper manuscripts. It still worked - the older participants may
> remember the times :)
> Jürgen Hanneder, Marburg
> ------------------------
> Prof. Dr. Juergen Hanneder
> Philipps-Universitaet Marburg
> FG Indologie u. Tibetologie
> Deutschhausstr.12
> 35032 Marburg
> Germany
> Tel. 0049-6421-28-24930
> hanneder at staff.uni-marburg.de
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