[INDOLOGY] Classical Kannada at Würzburg in May - online course

Anna Aurelia Esposito anna.esposito at uni-wuerzburg.de
Wed Mar 8 08:26:44 UTC 2023

Dear Colleagues,
we invite applications for our online intensive course on Classical  
Kannada from May 8th until 12th 2023, conducted by Prof. B.A. Viveka  
Rai at the Chair of Indology, Würzburg University:

This course focusses on Pampa’s Vikramārjunavijaya (“Pampabhārata”),  
from which selected verses will be read and studied. Participants are  
expected to have a comprehensive knowledge of grammar and the Kannada  

Prof. Dr. B.A. Viveka Rai is a retired professor of Kannada Literature  
and Folklore at the University of Mangalore. Since 2010, he is a  
regular guest professor at the Chair of Indology, University of  
Würzburg, teaching modern and classical Kannada, as well as courses on  
the culture and literature of Karnataka.

No fees will be charged. Interested persons are requested to enclose a  
short letter of motivation (max. half page) until April 23th 2023. For  
any questions and for registration please write to Anna Aurelia  
Esposito (anna.esposito at uni-wuerzburg.de).

We would be grateful if you could widely circulate this call for applications.

Best regards,
Anna Aurelia Esposito

PD Dr. Anna Aurelia Esposito
Universität Würzburg
Lehrstuhl für Indologie
Philosophiegebäude, Zi. 8U6
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Tel: ++49-(0)931-3185512
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