[INDOLOGY] Manoel da Assumpçam’s Vocabulario (1743) | Scan?

Dominik A. Haas dominik at haas.asia
Wed Jan 11 09:19:31 UTC 2023

I’d like to thank *Bruno A. V. da Silva* for sending me a PDF and 
*Lubomír Ondračka*, *Guy St. Amant*, and *Christoph Vielle* for pointing 
out that there’s a scan on wikimedia.commons (I really wonder how you 
found it?!)!

It’s now also available on *archive**.org*:


Muito obrigado!

D. Haas

*Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA*
Postdoctoral researcher
dominik at haas.asia | ORCID 0000-0002-8505-6112 
<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8505-6112> | academia.edu/DominikAHaas 
<https://univie.academia.edu/DominikAHaas> | @dominik_a_haas 
ÖGRW <https://www.univie.ac.at/oegrw/> | DMG 
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<https://stb.univie.ac.at/publikationsreihen/sammlung-de-nobili-sdn/> | 
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DOC Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2020–2022)

The Initiative for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies
foasas.org <https://foasas.org> | contact at foasas.org | tweet #FOASAS 

Am 10.01.2023 um 14:37 schrieb Dominik A. Haas:
> Dear colleagues,
> for some time now I have been looking for a way to access the 
> following work written by the missionary *Manoel da Assumpçam*:
> /*Vocabulario em idioma bengalla*, e portuguez. Dividido em duas 
> partes dedicado ao Excellent. e Rever. Senhor. D. Fr. Miguel de Tavora 
> Arcebispo de Evora do Concelho de Sua Magestade. Foy deligencia do 
> Padre Fr. Manoel da Assumpçam Religioso Eremita de Santo Agostinho da 
> Congregacaõ da India Oriental/. Lisboa: Na Offic. De Francisco da 
> Sylva, 1743.
> Do any of you happen to have *scan*?
> I’m aware of the incomplete reprint on archive.org 
> (https://archive.org/details/dli.calcutta.10343/). Also, there seems 
> to be a copy in the British Library 
> (https://www.worldcat.org/de/title/561929336), at the University of 
> Wisconsin (https://www.worldcat.org/de/title/16211468) and at the 
> University of Regina (https://www.worldcat.org/de/title/25434181) – 
> far away from me.
> Thank you for your time,
> D. Haas
> __________________
> *Dr. Dominik A. Haas, BA MA*
> Postdoctoral researcher
> dominik at haas.asia | ORCID 0000-0002-8505-6112 
> <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8505-6112> | academia.edu/DominikAHaas 
> <https://univie.academia.edu/DominikAHaas> | @dominik_a_haas 
> <https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=dominik_a_haas>
> ÖGRW <https://www.univie.ac.at/oegrw/> | DMG 
> <https://dmg-web.de/page/home_en> | SDN 
> <https://stb.univie.ac.at/publikationsreihen/sammlung-de-nobili-sdn/> 
> | WPU <https://philology.org/>
> DOC Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2020–2022)
> The Initiative for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies
> foasas.org <https://foasas.org> | contact at foasas.org | tweet #FOASAS 
> <http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=%20%23FOASAS>
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