[INDOLOGY] Articles on the development of the idea of Shiva

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 13:41:43 UTC 2023

Thank you to Michael Witzel who pointed me to his edition and translation
of The Katha Aranyaka 2.100 and was kind enough to translate the passage
into english.

And thank you to Corinna Wessels-Mevissen who pointed me  to Stella
Kramrisch's The Presence of Shiva.  I was pleasantly surprised to see most
(all?) of Stella Kramrisch's books available for e-loan on archive.org.

Harry Spier

On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 9:27 AM Harry Spier <vasishtha.spier at gmail.com>

> Dear list members,
> If anyone has any articles on the development of the idea of Shiva.
> Particularly how vedic Rudra became Shiva. Could you forward them to me, or
> point out if there is anything on archive.org etc.
> Thanks
> Harry Spier
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