[INDOLOGY] śivasaṃkalpam

Harry Spier vasishtha.spier at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 02:03:50 UTC 2023

Dear list members,
I'm looking at the śivasaṃkalpam in the Vajasaneyi-saṁhitā.  I'm using
Weber's edition of  Vajasaneyi-saṁhitā in the mādhyandina and the
kānva-śākhā with the commentary of Mahidhara, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series
no. 103.

A link to the relevant pages on Wetransfer is: https://we.tl/t-M5nXc5jRxx

1. Most importantly can someone confirm (or not)  that the  verses 34-1
thru 34-6 circled in red are of the  mādhyandina- śākhā (not of the

2. In the second line of verse 3 there appears to be an avagraha
(highlighted in yellow) .  I'm not clear why its there. Bloomfield's
concordance doesn't have it.  Any explanation for the avagraha would be
appreciated. Or is it not an avagraha?

3. In verse 5 there are a couple of occurances of what I think is the
anunāsika but there is also an occurance of candrabindu (highlighted in
yellow). In Vajasaneyi texts is the candrabindu the sign for the so-called
gumkara.  If so, then what pronounciation does the  Vajasaneyi
anunāsika sign (looks almost like a 6 with a dot) represent. There are two
occurances in verse 5.

4) Why the dash (highlighted in yellow) in verse 6.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Harry Spier
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