[INDOLOGY] Some good news

Patrick Olivelle jpo at austin.utexas.edu
Thu Aug 17 21:30:17 UTC 2023

We generally get a lot of bad news especially in trying to navigate state bureaucracies, especially Indian. We all have our horror stories. But here is something new—good news. India now has an E-Visa system online. With trepidation I applied online for a Business Visa for myself and a Tourist Visa for my wife. We did this on Monday morning. They say the visa will come by email in four to five business days— yes, right! But, our visas arrive the very next day, within 24 hours. Imagine that. They really appear to have improved their E-Visa process. So, if you are going to India, getting a visa is a breeze. They even has a sample application form, if you want a dry run before doing the real application. Here is the official site: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html

Patrick Olivelle
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