[INDOLOGY] CfP: Yoga Darśana, Yoga Sādhana 2024, Hamburg

Corinna May Lhoir corinna.lhoir at uni-hamburg.de
Thu Aug 3 12:35:21 UTC 2023

Dear list members,

we are delighted to announce the following call for papers:

The Department for Culture and History of India and Tibet at Universität 
Hamburg and the provisional Yoga Studies Research Network (YSRN) 
cordially invite scholars and researchers to actively participate in the 
third international academic conference: "Yoga Darśana, Yoga Sādhana: 
'Introspection, Inspiration, Institutionalisation'" to be held in 
Hamburg from 22nd to 25th May 2024.
The Yoga Darśana, Yoga Sādhana (YDYS) conference series serves as a 
platform for the critical examination and dynamic discussion of recent 
advancements in the field of yoga studies. Following the success of the 
previous conferences in 2016 and 2022 (at Jagiellonian University in 
Krakow, Poland), this upcoming event promises to build upon those 
We encourage submissions from scholars across various disciplines and 
backgrounds who are engaged in research related to yoga studies. Topics 
of interest for presentation at the conference include, but are not 
limited to:

-  Introspection: Exploring the historical, philosophical, 
psychological, and experiential aspects of yoga
-  Inspiration: Investigating the influences of yoga on artistic, 
literary, and cultural expressions from ancient to present day societies.
-  Institutionalisation: Examining the historical and structural 
dimensions of yoga traditions’ social formations

Presentations may encompass theoretical analyses, empirical research, 
case studies, and interdisciplinary approaches to yoga studies. We 
particularly welcome innovative perspectives that shed new light on 
traditional and contemporary aspects of yoga research.

Please find all details of the conference and a link to the submission 
form here: https://yogaresearch.org/ydys2024/

Looking forward to welcoming you to Hamburg!

For the organizers:

Corinna May Lhoir

Corinna Lhoir, M.A.
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften
Numata Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde
Assistenz der Geschäftsleitung

Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg

Raum 109

+49 40 42838-8314 (Telefon)
corinna.lhoir at uni-hamburg.de

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